Troubleshooting Guide
This guide covers common issues developers and users might encounter when working with Ink, along with their solutions.
Transaction Issues
Nonce Out of Sync
If you encounter JSON-RPC internal errors or transactions getting stuck, your wallet's nonce may be out of sync with the network. Here's how to fix it:
For MetaMask Users:
Enable custom nonce in MetaMask:
- Go to Settings > Advanced
- Enable "Customize transaction nonce"
Find your next valid nonce using either method A or B:
Method A: Using Block Explorer
- Go to
(replace YOUR_ADDRESS with your address) - Find your most recent transaction where you were the sender (FROM address)
- Click the transaction and then "View details"
- Find the nonce value and add 1 to it - this is your next valid nonce
Method B: Using Command Line
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getTransactionCount", "params":["YOUR_ADDRESS", "latest"], "id":1 }' | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(int(json.load(sys.stdin)['result'], 16))"
with your wallet address. The number returned is your next valid nonce. - Go to
Send a recovery transaction:
- Send a 0 ETH transaction to yourself
- When prompted for the nonce, use the exact number you got from either method above
- Increase the gas price slightly (tap + once in the Network Fee section)
- The transaction should go through
Future transactions should now use the correct nonce
The recovery transaction typically costs around $0.05 in gas fees.
Getting Help
If you're still experiencing issues:
- Join our Discord for community support
- Check the Network Status Page for any ongoing incidents
- Submit a detailed bug report on our GitHub